Monday 13 July 2015

Besouro Mangangá

This movie Besouro (beetle) tells the amazing story of the legendary capoeira fighter Manoel Henrique Pereira, who would eventually become the icon Besouro Mangangá. The movie's story begins in 1920s Brazil when slavery has been abolished but in the poor town of Bahia the plantations are still run by men who hold the local population as slaves. When his capoeira master is murdered by the evil Col. Venancio, Besouro wages a one-man war against the colonel and his men and even against death itself. This movie artistically incorporates the Brazilian martial arts capoeira with African spiritual systems and delivers it in a well choreographed way by Ku Huen-Chiu of 'Crouching Tiger', 'Matrix' and 'Kill Bill'. Despite the fact that this movie follows the typical clichè of matial arts movies about a student avenging his teacher, it still works, and although i would have also liked to have seen more action scenes from the choreographer, the ones we do see are great. Known as 'The Assailant' in English speaking countries, Besouro was directed by João Daniel Tikhormiroff and came out in 2009.

Acion scene from Besouro

Here's the trailer


More on Capoeira

Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music, and is sometimes referred to as a game It was developed in Brazil mainly by West African descendents with native Brazilian influences, probably beginning in the 16th century, capoeira today is now an intangible cultural heritage of Brazil.

The music in capoeira sets the tempo and style of game that is to be played within the roda (circle). The music is formed by instruments and singing. The main instrument called berimbau, controls the rhythm with a tempo that differ from very slow to very fast, depending on the style of the roda. Two capoeiristas enter the roda and play the game according to the style required by the musical instruments rhythm.

Musical inatruments used in Capoeira
Roda (circle)
Capoeira is a unique art form for the fact that it can either be described as martial arts, a dance, or a game. In a sense, Capoeira is to Brazil what Parkour is to France and Thai Boxing is to Thailand.

Here's how Capoeira looks when put against another form of martial arts, in this scene from a movie called Tom-Yum-Goong or as known in North America ‘The Protector’ we see a Capoeiraista called Lateef Crowder Make an appearance.

Initial release: October 30, 2009 (Brazil)
Language: Portugese (English subtitles)
Director: João Daniel Tikhomiroff
Written by: Patrícia Andrade Bráulio Tavares
João Daniel Tikhomiroff
Running time: 1h 35m
Initial DVD release: February 10, 2010 (Brazil)
Music composed by: Pupillo, Rica Amabis, Tejo Damasceno

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