Tuesday 18 August 2015

The Holy Mountain

This 1973 surrealist release is the brainchild of the Chilean-born filmmaker Alexandro Jodorowsky, who directed and also played the role of the alchemist, as well as composer, set designer and costume designer of the film. The movies producer was Allen Klein, the manager of the famous british rock group 'Beatles' and owner of the independent major record lable ABKCO records, who also destributed the film which was funded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The movements from the opening scene ritual are actual movements of a Japanese tea ceremony.
Jodorowsky states that in the opening scene, the girls themselves were not actual actresses, merely two people who "wanted to have a spiritual experience. They were searching for their own truth, the naked truth." Under the direction of a Japanese Zen master, Jodorowsky spent a week without sleep and lived with members of the the cast for a month who was also involved with spiritual training methods such as yoga before filming started, and was even advised to take psychedelic substances for more expansion of consciousness. 

After the first scene of the alchemist performing a ritual, we're introduced to the main character known as "the thief" in the second scene who as an uncanny resemblance to the image of Jesus Christ that everyone is familiar with, the director plays on this in a bizzare way that many would think of as a form of desecration.

Filmed in Mexico, The Holy Mountain is filled with sacrilegious images and metaphorical themes that are so freakily deep and symbolic in every way that it either scares you off or makes you want to understand it more, the nudity is a minor issue compared to the many other shock values that this movie as to offer.

At first look i was able to tell that this was a very artistic approach to movie making, the seventies definitely had its fair share of cinematic creativity thats unmatched by any other decade, The Holy Mountain is one of those exceptional work, the freedom of creativity desplayed in this movie is unparalleled and safe to say no filmmaker today has the balls to make this type of movie which made me enjoy this cult classic even more for its bold dipictions as the director challenges you to look at the problematic social issues surrounding religion, militarisation, consumerism, politics and even art it self.

Within all the chaos, this movie as a divine message begging to be seen and heard if you allow it, which i did and at the end was worth it and turned out to be a good watch.

Synopsis and trailer

An alchemist (Alexandro Jodorowsky) leads a Christ like figure who is known as the thief (Horacio Salinas) and seven other disciples to a mountain of immortal wise men. Together with the alchemist, the thief and the alchemist's assistant, they form a group of ten.

Speech from the movie
The grave recieves you with love. Surrender yourself to the Earth. Return what was loaned to you. Give up your pleasure, your pain, your friends, your lovers, your life, your past, what you desire. You will know nothingness, it is the only reality. Don’t be afraid, it’s so easy to give. You’re not alone, you have a grave. It was your first mother. The grave is the door to your rebirth. Now you will surrender the faithful animal you once called your body. Don’t try to keep it, remember, it was a loan. Surrended your legs, your sex, your hair, your brain, your all. You no longer want to possess, possession is the ultimate pain. The earth covers your body, she came to cover you with love, because she is your true flesh. Now you are an open heart, open to receive your true essence your ultimate perfection. Your new body, which is the universe, the work of god. You will be born again, you will be real. you will be your own father, your own mother, your own child, your own perfection. Open your eyes, you are the earth, you are the green, you are the blue, you are the Aleph, you are the essence. Look at the flower, look at the flower, for the first time look at the flowers.
-The Alchemist-

Directed by:
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Produced by:
Alejandro Jodorowsky, Roberto Viskin
Allen Klein, Robert Taicher
Written by:
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Starring: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Horacio Salinas, Zamira Saunders
Music by: Don Cherry, Ronald Frangipane, Alejandro Jodorowsky
Cinematography: Rafael Corkidi
Edited by: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Federico Landeros
Distributed by: ABKCO Records
Release dates: May 1973 (Cannes), 27 November 1973 (United States), 11 July 1975 (Mexico)
Running time: 1hr 55mins

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